River Valley Soccer Association (RVSA)
Parental Code of Conduct
Est. Dec, 2022
RVSA recognizes that parents are an integral part of a player's, and their team's support system. It is imperative that our parents exemplify sportsmanship and respect for the game by adhering to the following guidelines established by RVSA and Say Soccer.
As a RVSA parent I shall:
Encourage and support my child’s experience and play on the field.
Encourage good sportsmanship and self-discipline to my child and their teammates by setting a good example.
Support my child’s coaches and their team.
Respect the officials and accept their decisions.
Familiarize myself with the laws of the game.
Comply with rules, policies and procedures of the team and the organization.
As a RVSA parent I will never:
Engage in dissent directed towards any official.
Engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct towards a coach, player, parent or any official.
Coach from the sidelines.
Disrespect the opposing team, coaches or parents.
Interfere at any time with the duties and responsibilities of the coach.
Act in any way that is detrimental to the team, players, officials or the organization.
Use noisemakers of any kind on the sidelines.
If issues arise during the season with my child or their team I shall:
Privately address the matter with the coach.
Refrain from addressing the matter with others.
Refrain from addressing the situation immediately prior to, during or immediately after a game.
If issues remain unresolved, they should be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors.
It is the goal of RVSA to promote a fun and safe environment for our community. As a parent, I understand players are involved in sports for their enjoyment and I will encourage my child and other players to always display good sportsmanship and respect for one another. I will not verbally abuse coaches, officials, parents, players or anyone else at events, practices or games. I understand that the Board of Directors and all coaches are volunteers and I will respect their efforts to instill in the players the importance of sportsmanship and fair play. I also commit to report any violations to the Board or Directors.
I understand and accept any violations of the Parental Code of Conduct could result in my removal from an event or suspension from all activities. All violations will be reviewed by the Board of Directors.